Stromboli was an adventure. Leaving the ferry the first thing we saw were tons of overgrown trees and bushes that just looked like a jungle. Everything seemed very wild and natural and it definitely is! The main reason for the trip to Stromboli was to climb the active volcano. You can only do this with a guide and we read that it is safe to do. The guide told us that it is actually safest to climb when there is activity. Possibly because they can measure and watch for what is happening. They don't think that Stromboli is going to explode for another couple thousand years, but anything is possible. We loved the climb. It was steep at times and we were going at a steady rate, but it was never too much to handle. The only time it was a little less than desirable was at the top when the temperature was about 40 degrees. We didn't have new clothes to change into and our shirts were soaked through with sweat so there was little keeping us warm. We stayed under the shelters alot to keep the wind from blowing through us. Finally the sun went down and it was dark. We walked over to the edge of the crater and waited for an explosion. It took about 10 minutes, but then we saw about 7 explosions right in a row. This excitement and splendor could best be compared to fireworks. If you are ever in Stromboli there is one thing you must do: climb the volcano!!
When Gary and I went to Oregon and Washington this summer we talked with my Aunt Bev's friends M.A. (Mary Ann) and Charlie. They have been to Stromboli and recommended a neat restaurant to visit. Well we visited it, but it was closed! It is unheard of for a restaurant in Sicily to be closed at 9:30pm, but it was. Anyway, we got a picture and we saw what it looks like. We just thought it was cool to hear about a place that's a world away and then actually be there!
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